Northern Virginia Chapter ENA - 117

2023 NV ENA Board Ballot!

Posted over 1 year ago

NV ENA Election Announcement. We currently have the following Candidates for 2023 NV ENA Board:

President: Devon Richardson

Devon Richardson, MSN, RN is a nurse with twelve years with experience in critical care and emergency department nursing. She has over twenty years of professional practice in emergency medicine including many years of pre-hospital EMS and fire department experience prior to beginning her nursing career. Devon has spent her ten years as an emergency department nurse at a community-based emergency department at UVA Community Health Prince William Medical Center. In her tenure at UVA CH PWMC, Devon has been an active participant in Shared Governance and has advanced to a Nurse Leader position within the organization. Devon has earned a Nursing Excellence Award and obtained her MSN degree with summa cum laude honors.

Devon is a current member of ENA Northern VA Chapter and has a distinct interest advancing the profession nursing. Devon has a passion for continuously advancing bedside nursing through research and evidenced-based practices that improves patient outcomes. She is an advocate for professional nursing and strives to support other nurses to advance their practice to support patient safety and nursing excellence.

President Elect: Open

Secretary: Melissa Chavis


I have been a RN for 16 years and an ER RN for 12...I love kayaking, hiking, and reading!! It was the best experience to be at Day On the Hill as well as ENA this fall in CO... I have had a blast being a delegate with Virginia!! Happy To Serve!!

Treasurer: Pam Carlson


Pam Carlson. RN. CPEN, CPN I have been a nurse for 42 ears and a Pediatric emergency

nurse for nearly 30 years. I am currently seeking election for Northern VA ENA treasurer 2022.

I am an active member of the Emergency Nurses Association. I have recently retired from Children's National Emergency Medical Trauma Center (EMTC) in Washington, DC for the past 20 years.

During my time at Children's National, I've been involved in Shared Nursing Leadership on the unit and hospital wide levels. I work alongside staff nurses, nurse educators, and hospital leadership from units throughout the hospital. I ensure staff members have everything they need to be the best nurses and provide the best patient experience possible for all patients.


If you are interested in the President Elect Position please email

Looking forward to hearing from you!